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Her Story and Mine

 Everyone is different, and the same is true for each individual pregnancy, birth, and parenthood experience. September of 2021, I gave birth to my son. He was perfect, and I can truly say that my birthing experience was perfect for me. I had an awesome nurse and it was really just the nurse, my fiancé, …

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“The Controlling Parent”

How much to we as parents insert ourselves in our child’s development? How much do we control what our child does, and what the people around him do? When is it important for us to step in and provide guidance? Though it is our job as a parent to protect our children and try to steer them in the right directions, a lot of the job also requires us to give them room to learn

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The Not So Pleasant Firsts

Everyone wants to hear about the babies first smiles, giggles, babbles, and so on… But what about all the other first that are not so fun? I found, especially with first-time parents, that every negative experience came with immense feelings of guilt or anxiety.

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Less Isolation Please

I know I am not the only mother during this pandemic that has felt the lack of social interaction and long-term loneliness of this last couple years. With the onset of COVID, we were all thrust into this new world of little interactions from having to quarantine from the rest of the world, in many …

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Uncle Sam

This is a poem I wrote my freshman year of college for a political assignment in collaboration with an art piece I had done. Uncle SamMy minds digestedBy lifes fucked up messageThe nations appendageTo strengthen Sam’s expressionof oppression, America’s regressionFraudulent transgressionNo such thing as laxityMind locked in captivityonly productivityand general relativityAll I want is fabricatedby …

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Newborn on a Train

Having a baby is a big change. It’s a new form of spontaneity by throwing out the random outings with friends and sudden invitations to coffee, and instead adopting “possible” plans while being open to constantly canceling or being late from a poopy diaper. It’s realizing one’s obsessive compulsive tendencies for cleanliness are impossible to …

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Baby Food Experiment

My baby boy just hit 5 months and we finally hitting the exciting new milestone of starting him on solid foods. Pureed solid foods that is. As most new parents know, every milestone is exciting. Watching this little being slowly turn into a self reliant little person is absolutely incredible and exciting. As parents, the …

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Jen’s Story

I found it reassuring during my pregnancy to discuss with other more experienced mothers my fears, questions, and expectations. I decided when I started this blog, that it would be interesting to regularly get other mothers stories. This being my first interview blog I’m sure will still leave many questions and room for development. Feel …

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Aspen’s Room

         During my pregnancy, we went through the dilemma of trying to figure out what to name our soon to be baby boy. Patrick (the father) and I both had very different ideas of what names we liked. I had a soft spot for Grayson, which he hated, and he had a …

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